Hello everyone!!!
First of all, what is
Momentum? Momentum is a measure of an object's inertia of motion. An example of momentum is when a big truck rolls down a hill, and then a little car rollsdown a hill. The truck goes faster because it had a larger mass which gave it more momentum.
P stands for momentum. Isaac Newton called this property of an object its "quantity of motion." Last Tuesday 15th of October, we went to play football on physics class. It was very astonishing for us because our teachers don't take us out that often. It's fun to play with friends and not to have classes. While we were playing football
Mr. José Popoff went back to the class and wrote this on the board:
By: Mr.José Popoff |
When we came back to our class we were disappointed because we had homework to do. We were so excited of going that, we forgot we didn't have a ball. When you play football or any other sport, you can find momentum. Now you make ask how do you find it? Well, you get momentum by applying the formula
p=mv that means
mass times
velocity. What is velocity? Velocity is the time rate of change in position in a specified direction. For example, momentum is applied when a football player is running with a ball and another player comes does a tackle to the player, if you have more mass or a greater velocity that means you have a greater momentum than the other player. We have the momentum of the ball too, we obtain it by getting the mass of the ball and the velocity. Since an object´s mass is usually constant, a change in momentum is almost always a change in velocity that is, an acceleration. Therefore,
F=p/t that is change in momentum over change in time
, force is a push or pull
on a system. Force is very important for momentum and impulse is a force that is like momentum. In a game you force to kick the ball, to tackle a player, to stop ball you need it for everything in football.
Impulse is an unbalanced force of an object changes its momentum. The formulas for impulse are
I=Ft that is force times change in time. Impulse is a change of momentum, and momentum is mass times velocity, so any real-life situation where there's achange of velocity (acceleration) there's an impulse. Examples of impulse are: a bat hitting a ball is a great example, the engine of a car accelerating it, an oar accelerating a boat, a rocket engine, and so on.
All this terms and the planet wouldn´t exist without God, our savior the one we own our lives. He made man in his image and likeness. So all this is related with God, he gives us knowledge, wisdom and blessings. Without knowledge Newton wouldn't have discovered the "laws of motion" or other theories wouldn't work. For me God is my creator, path and my inspiration to be a successful man in the future. God relates with all of us in this planet and otherwordly things.